Manpower Recruitment

Recruiting passionate professionals to inspire and guide travelers worldwide

Manpower Recruitment

To better find and initiate an official overseas recruitment from India, a foreign employer must register itself under the Indian Embassy by submitting all the required documents and thus generating a FE (Foreign Employer) log in identification number and a password. The Foreign Employer, through the above mentioned Log in ID and password can access the Government of India website: , and raise a demand in favor of Elroy Tours & Travels. Once a Foreign Employer raises a valid demand as per the above mentioned process, we at Elroy Tours & Travels receive an email from the Government of India about the demand raised in our favor.

Demand letter

Attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chamber of Commerce

Power of Attorney

Attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chamber of Commerce


Attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chamber


Generated Demand Letter Sample


Emigrate Generated Power Of Attorney

Mofa & Chamber

Employment Contract